Rose Garden is a 3,502,224 sf (80.4 acres) parcel of vacant land in Phoenix, Arizona. The property is located in the Deer Valley submarket of Metro Phoenix and provides excellent access from Scottsdale and northwest Phoenix. This submarket has maintained consistent demand over the past 10 years.
Demographics | 1 Mile 1 Mi. | 3 Mile 3 Mi. | 5 Mile 5 Mi. |
Population | 7,747 | 97,929 | 286,709 |
Daytime Population | 4,022 | 49,108 | 140,233 |
Households | 3,069 | 39,714 | 113,953 |
Avg HH Income ($) | 69,581 | 75,067 | 85,917 |
Med HH Income ($) | 63,027 | 61,051 | 65,530 |
Median Age | 38.30 | 37.80 | 37.70 |
% College Educated | 33.77 | 34.57 | 36.70 |